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Viba Germ

Cleaning Services


Abdul Razzaq



We PROTECT with BioProtect 500

Treat all surfaces using a Highly Active Surface Protectant. Let's leave the next generation a healthy, conscience world.


Let Viba-Germ disinfect and protect your home, church, school, medical facility, or office building. We offer daily, weekly, and bi-weekly services customized to meet your specific needs. Call or visit our website to find out how to save 40% off when you sign up for a year of cleaning services.

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Disinfection Services and Coronavirus Cleaning.

What can I do to reduce the spread of Coronavirus?

Cleaning and Remediation Disinfection.

Viba Germ provides Coronavirus (COVID-19) disinfection services for  businesses, offices, and government buildings. Our building disinfection services, including deep cleaning and touchpoint disinfection, can give you peace of mind as you return to your workplace.

Viba Germ has experience in disinfection services. We can help you take extra precautions for infection control while keeping everyone safer. As the best cleaning and disinfection provider in our markets, Viba Germ has the staff and experience to disinfect your facilities efficiently and safely. Plus, we know which tools and products are most effective at killing pathogens and preventing their spread.

We understand finding a case of Coronavirus in your facility leads to feelings of fear and uncertainty. But we can help you implement a prompt and effective response. If you need facility disinfection and deep cleaning following a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19, a CDC-compliant building disinfection program from Viba Germ is the solution. We will clean the affected area thoroughly and attentively, upholding all necessary protocols.

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